
Papers submitted for publication: 

Torres, R. E., Salahub, C., Campbell, K. L., & Emrich, S. M. (2024, October 11). Reduced distractor filtering with age: Evidence from the distractor positivity ERP. [preprint]

Peer-reviewed papers and book chapters:

Lockhart, H., & Emrich, S. M. (in press). Low priority items are held in visual working memory: Evidence from flexible allocation in a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) paradigm. Journal of Vision. [preprint] [data]

Torres, R. E., Duprey, M., Campbell, K. L., & Emrich, S. M. (2024). Not all objects are created equal: the object benefit in visual working memory is supported by greater recollection, but only for some objects. Memory & Cognition. [link] [preprint]

Thibeault, A., Stojanoski, B., & Emrich, S. M. (2024). Investigating the Effects of Perceptual Complexity Versus Conceptual Meaning on the Object Benefit in Visual Working Memory. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 24, 453-468.  [link] [preprint]

Lockhart, H., Dube, B., MacDonald, K. J., Al-Aidroos, N., & Emrich, S. M. (2024). Limitations on flexible allocation of visual short-term memory resources with multiple levels of attentional prioritization. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 86, 159-170. [link] [preprint]

DiPuma A., Lockhart H.A., Emrich S.M., Ester E.F. (2023). Retrospective cue benefits in working memory are limited to a single item at a timeAttention, Perception & Psychophysics, 85, 1474–1485. doi-org/10.3758/s13414-023-02661-0 [link] [preprint]

Torres, R., Campbell, K.C., Emrich, S.M. (2023). Age differences in the use of positive and negative cues to filter distracting information from working memory. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 85, 1207-1218. doi-dor/10.3758/s13414-023-02695-4 [link]

Emrich, S.M., Salahub, C. & Katus, T. (2022). Sensory delay activity: more than an electrophysiological index of working memory load. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35 (1): 135–148. [Link] [preprint

Salahub, S. & Emrich, S.M. (2021). Drawn to distraction: Anxiety impairs neural suppression of known distractor features in visual search. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33 (8): 1504–1516. [Link] [preprint][data]

Salahub, C., & Emrich, S. (2020). Fear not! Anxiety biases attentional enhancement of threat without impairing working memory filtering. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 20(6), 1248-1260. doi:10.3758/s13415-020-00831-3 [PDF] [preprint]

Henderson, S.H.*, Lockhart, H.A.*, Davis, E.E., Emrich, S.M., Campbell, K.L. (2020). Reduced attentional control in older adults leads to deficits in flexible prioritization of visual working memory. Brain Sciences, 10(8), 542. doi:10.3390/brainsci10080542 [Open Access Link]

Salahub, C. Lockhart, H.A., Dube, B., Al-Aidroos, N. & Emrich, S.M. (2019). Electrophysiological correlates of the flexible allocation of visual working memory resources. Scientific Reports, 9, 19428. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-55948-4 [preprint] [Open Access Link] [Scripts]

MacDonald, K.J., Lockhart, H.A., Emrich, S.M., & Cote, K.A. (2018). A daytime nap enhances visual working memory performance and alters event-related delay activity. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neursocience. 18(6), 1105-1120. doi:/10.3758/s13415-018-0625-1[Link]

Zhou, X., Mondloch, C.J., & Emrich, S.M. (2018). Encoding differences affect the number and precision of own- vs. other-race faces stored in visual working memory. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 80(3), 702-712. doi:10.3758/s13414-017-1467-6 [Link] [Download]

Salahub, C. & Emrich, S.M. (2018). ERP evidence for temporal independence of set size and object updating in object substitution masking. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 80(2), 387-401. doi:10.3758/s1341 [Link] 

Dube, B., Emrich, S.M., & Al-Aidroos, N. (2017). More than a filter: Feature-based attention regulates the distribution of visual working memory resources. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance43(10), 1843-1854. doi:10.1037/xhp0000428 [Link]

LaRocque, J.J., Riggall, A.C., Emrich, S.M., & Postle, B.R. (2017). Within-category decoding of attentional states in short-term memory. Cerebral Cortex. 27(10),4881–4890. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhw283  [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S.M., Lockhart, H.A., & Al-Aidroos, N. (2017). Attention mediates the flexible allocation of visual working memory resources. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 43(7), 1454-1465. doi:10.1037/xhp0000398 [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S.M., Johnson, J.S, Sutterer, D.W., & Postle, B.R. (2017). Comparing the Effects of 10-Hz rTMS on Tasks of Visual Short-Term Memory and Attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(2), 286-297. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01043 [Link] [Download]

Salahub, C. & Emrich, S.M. (2016). Tuning perception: visual working memory biases the quality of visual awareness. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(6), 1854-1859. doi:10.3758/s13423-016-1064-z [Link] [Download]

Dube, B., Basciano, A., Emrich, S.M., & Al-Aidroos, N. (2016). Visual working memory simultaneously guides facilitation and inhibition during visual search. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 78(5), 1232-1244. doi:10.3758/s13414-016-1105-8 [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S.M., & Busseri, M. (2015). Re-evaluating the relationships among filtering activity, unnecessary storage, and visual working memory capacity. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 15(3), 583-597. doi:0.3758/s13415-015-0341-z [Link] [Download]

LaRocque, J.J., Eichenbaum, A.S., Starrett, M.J., Rose, N.S., Emrich, S.M., & Postle, B.R. (2015). The short- and long-term fate of memory items retained outside the focus of attention. Memory & Cognition, 43(3), 453-468. doi:10.3758/s13421-014-0486-y [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S.M. (2015). What are the Roles of Sensory and Parietal Activity in VSTM? In P. Jolicoeur, C. Lefebvre, & J. Martinez-Trujillo (Eds.), Mechanisms of Sensory Memory: Attention & Performance XXV. 59 – 73. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

Emrich, S. M.*, Riggall, A. C.*, LaRocque, J. J., & Postle, B. R. (2013). Distributed patterns of activity in sensory cortex reflect the precision of multiple items maintained in visual short-term memory. The Journal of Neuroscience33(15), 6516-6523.DOI: doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5732-12.2013 [Link] [Download]

Kundu, B., Sutterer, D. W., Emrich, S. M., & Postle, B. R. (2013). Strengthened effective connectivity underlies transfer of working memory training to tests of short-term memory and attention. The Journal of Neuroscience33(20), 8705-8715. [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S. M., & Ferber, S. (2012). Competition increases binding errors in visual working memory. Journal of Vision12(4): 12; doi:10.1167/12.4.12 [Link][Download]

Pun, C., Emrich, S. M., Wilson, K. E., Stergiopoulos, E., & Ferber, S. (2012). In and out of consciousness: Sustained electrophysiological activity reflects individual differences in perceptual awareness. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,19(3), 429-435. [Link] [Download]

Al-Aidroos, N., Emrich, S. M., Ferber, S., & Pratt, J. (2012). Visual working memory supports the inhibition of previously processed information: Evidence from preview search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance38(3), 643. [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S. M., Burianová, H., & Ferber, S. (2011). Transient perceptual neglect: Visual working memory load affects conscious object processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience23(10), 2968-2982. [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S. M., Al-Aidroos, N., Pratt, J., & Ferber, S. (2010). Finding memory in search: The effect of visual working memory load on visual search. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology63(8), 1457-1466. [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S. M., Al-Aidroos, N., Pratt, J., & Ferber, S. (2009). Visual search elicits the electrophysiological marker of visual working memory. PloS One,4(11), e8042. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008042 [Link]  [Download]

Emrich, S. M., Ruppel, J. D., Al-Aidroos, N., Pratt, J., & Ferber, S. (2008). Out with the old: Inhibition of old items in a preview search is limited. Perception & Psychophysics70(8), 1552-1557. [Link] [Download]

Emrich, S. M., Ruppel, J. D., & Ferber, S. (2008). The role of elaboration in the persistence of awareness for degraded objects. Consciousness and Cognition,17(1), 319-329.[Link] [Download]

Cohn, M., Emrich, S. M., & Moscovitch, M. (2008). Age-related deficits in associative memory: the influence of impaired strategic retrieval. Psychology and Aging23(1), 93.[Link] [Download]

Ferber, S., & Emrich, S. M. (2007). Maintaining the ties that bind: The role of an intermediate visual memory store in the persistence of awareness. Cognitive Neuropsychology24(2), 187-210. [Link] [Download]

Archive of unpublished works:

Stojanoski, B., Emrich, S.M., & Cusack, R. (2019, Dec 13). Representation of semantic information in ventral areas during encoding is associated with improved visual short-term memory. [preprint]

Robitaille, J. & Emrich, S.M. (2019, May 23). Visual short-term memory for 3D shapes reveals similar properties to simple 2D features. [preprint] [code]

* denotes co-first authorship

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